By Dr. Jen O’Sullivan
Coffee… considered by many to be the elixir of life and even called the elixir of the gods. Many humans cannot even function in the morning before their cup-of-joe ritual. On the other side did you know that coffee is toxic? No one needs coffee, but somehow everyone is addicted to it. All of the popular posts on why coffee is good for you are false. They are written by addicts trying to justify their addiction. In a nutshell, coffee disrupts your endocrine system. Coffee is not the elixir of life… coffee is the elixir of death.
Too dramatic? Let me help you understand why coffee is bad.
Coffee torpedoes your endocrine system. Your endocrine system are the glands that regulate all of your hormones throughout your entire body. There are eight major endocrine glands (13 in total) and they regulate practically every aspect of your world from your metabolism, sleep patterns, energy, moods, temperature, growth and development, blood pressure, stress response, and pretty much everything surrounding reproduction and your sex life.
Put simply, your hormones regulate your life, and coffee disrupts them all.
Imagine a world where you sleep well, wake up refreshed and fully energized, your metabolism is working properly, your moods are stable throughout the day, your stress response is in tip top shape, etc etc? Pretty great right?
Stop drinking coffee! Do it for 30 days. Stick to it! You’ll feel so much better after the 30 days! Your endocrine system will start to heal and your natural energy will return.
Stop all caffeine consumption of any kind. No coffee, no decaf, no tea (herbal is fine), no caffeinated sodas, no chocolate, no Excedrine or pills containing caffeine.
Drink lots of alkaline water. At least half your body weight in ounces. Example: if you are 200lbs then divide that by two swap the lbs to oz to give you a daily intake of 100 oz of water. Add 20 ounces if you workout (which you should). Drink this water slowly at a rate of 4-5 ounces every 30 minutes. Doing this will keep you properly hydrated.
Swap your morning coffee with Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage with Dandelion. You can buy single use packet sticks on Amazon. Use 1 packet with every 4-6 ounces. The less water you use, the more like coffee it will taste. Teeccino is one that tastes very much like coffee and is also from dandelion or chicory root. Add some natural sweetener if you like, but dandelion is sweet already. Adding cream is not necessary but you are welcome to if you want it to be more creamy.
Optional to speed up detox: Juice at least once per day. Masticating juicers are best, but a centrifugal juicer is fine too. Drink 12-16 ounces of juiced dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach. Add cucumber, celery, and green apples. Use fresh ginger too if you are experiencing nausea. Drink within 15 minutes of juicing to obtain the most benefits.
Take a hot bath every night with 2 cups Epsom Salt for the first 7 nights. For the remainder of the detox take 2 baths per week. If you do not have access to a bath, a foot bath will do (use a large bowl with warm to hot water or buy a foot tub).
Get a circulation enhancing deep tissue massage once a week. These are often called sports massage and will encourage blood flow. If you are unable to get a massage, preform one on yourself by rubbing firmly each limb, away from your heart.
Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. A brisk walk is fine. You must maintain a higher heart rate and should be sweating by 10 minutes into the exercise. If you’re able to freely talk to someone then you’re not trying hard enough. You must get your lymphatic system moving.
Give yourself freedom to nap and sleep longer. If napping in is not an option, then make sure you go to sleep 2 hours earlier than normal.
Expect to be crabby! Your body won’t be happy but it’s important to stick with this for the full 30 days. Mood swings and a bad temper are to be expected. You may use several emotion supporting essential oils such as Lavender, Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Black Spruce, and emotional supporting supplements such as Turmeric and Vitamin D3.
I’ve helped hundreds of women go off coffee with this. They all tell me that they wanted to prove me wrong only to find out what a blessing it has been for them. I hope this blesses you and I’m here for support if you need it!