Parasite Cleanse 

By Dr. Jen O’Sullivan

Supplements: Get 2-3 bottles each of ParaStat and Paratosin along with Calcium Magnesium Plus, Microbiome-18 and Probiotic Caps.



Drink 3 big gulps of water every 30 minutes during your waking hours.

Limit sugar, dairy, and processed foods


Paratosin, ParaStat, Castor Oil, Cotton Flannel, Calcium Magnesium Plus, and Microbiome-18


  • Upon Waking: Take one capsule each of Paratosin and ParaStat
  • At lunch take one each of Probiotic Caps and Microbiome-18.
  • Before Bed: Take one capsule each of Paratosin and ParaStat and 1-2 capsules of Calcium Magnesium Plus.
  • After three weeks, stop for one week.


  • Upon Waking: Take two capsule each of Paratosin and ParaStat
  • At lunch take one each of Probiotic Caps and Microbiome-18.
  • Before Bed: Take two capsule each of Paratosin and ParaStat and 1-2 capsules of Calcium Magnesium Plus.
  • After three weeks, stop for one week.


  • Upon Waking: Take one capsule each of Paratosin and ParaStat
  • At lunch take one each of Probiotic Caps and Microbiome-18.
  • Before Bed: Take one capsule each of Paratosin and ParaStat and 1-2 capsules of Calcium Magnesium Plus.


  • During the full 90 days, make sure you are drinking enough water and getting lymphatic stimulation such as walking or dry brushing.
  • Drink organic Hyssop Tea often (not the essential oil, but the herb).
  • Do not eat any pork, raw fish, or raw seafood. They are riddled with parasites!
  • If you are having heavy detox remember to drink your water and take an epsom bath a couple times a week and/or do an organic coffee enema once a week.

The Eeyore Effect – How Mindset Effects Your Health

By Dr. Jen O’Sullivan

Consider this non-medical term that has major implications on how your body responds to anything you use for your health. It is called the “Eeyore Effect”. Your mind can and will deter you from health. If you have a bad attitude about always being sick you will always be sick. 

If you have coined your pain as something you own such as “my pain, my disease, my illness”, then guess what, you own it and will never get rid of it. It is time for you to do some serious mental work and consider how you speak about your issues and how you may be holding onto them.

As a very clear example, I can put on an essential oil that is supposed to give me a sense of joy, yet if I am mad, and I want to stay mad, my body will reject the action of that oil. It is the same with supplements, oils, health foods, and any other healing modality.

A way to help overcome this is to do some specific mental exercises. When working with a modality such as an oil, supplement, patch, etc, sit or lie on your back for about 10 minutes with your hands on your belly. Take some deep breaths in and out. With your eyes closed, visualize the specific modality working well. Visualize your cells waking up and utilizing the modality you are working with. Visualize healing and wellness throughout your entire body. Work from the center of the issue area out. Do this at least once per day for a week to 30 days or more.

Your mind is an extremely powerful healing tool, so use it wisely!

Cycle Fasting Phases

Based on the book Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz

Day 1-10 (from start of bleed to day 10)
Fast as long as you want. Eat keto when not fasting.

Day 11-15 (ovulation)
Intermittent Fast from 12 to 15 hours. (no more than 15 hours)
Eat food that serve your hormones. This is a non-keto diet higher in carbs called hormone-feasting.

Day 16-19
Fast as long as you want. Eat keto when not fasting.
If low progesterone or wanting to get pregnant see the book.

Day 20-bleed
Eat food that serve your hormones. This is a non-keto diet higher in carbs called hormone-feasting.

Reversed Polarity 

By Dr. Jen O’Sullivan

If your polarity is reversed you will feel often like you have two left feet – off balance and often bumping into things.

To reset your polarity, use the Cross Crawl Method or Nose Bridge Method.

Cross Crawl: Touch your right elbow to left left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee in a marching type pattern. Do this several times like a mini exercise.

Nose Bridge: Take your thumbs and cross your hands over each other (right over left) and do circle rubs with your thumbs on the inside of your eyebrows (bridge of nose) for about 20 seconds and then switch hands over each other (left over right) and do it again. This is like giving your forehead right between your eyebrows a little massage.