Natural & Clean Products

Below is a list of products I personally use and have researched for toxicity and have found them to be non-endocrine disrupting, clean products.








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  • AgilEase – From PRL: Turmeric, Joint & Disc
  • AlkaLime  – From PRL: ACV Premier
  • Allerzyme  – From PRL: Digestase-SP (also GastroVen, Inflammacidin, and Digest Premier)
  • AminoWise  – From PRL: Plant Protein Powder
  • BLM – From PRL: Joint & Disc
  • CardioGize  – From PRL: D3+K2
  • ComforTone  – From PRL: Psyllium Fiber Premier
  • CortiStop  – From PRL: Pregnenolone and DHEA
  • Daily Prebiotic Fiber (formerly ICP Daily) – From PRL: Probiotic Caps (prebiotics with probiotics)
  • Detoxzyme  – From PRL: Digestase-SP  (also GastroVen or Inflammacidin)
  • EndoGize  – From PRL: Men’s Performance Edge or Testosterone Premium
  • Essentialzymes-4  – From PRL: Digest Premier (also GastroVen, Inflammacidin, and Digestase-SP)
  • Essentialzyme  – From PRL: GastroVen and HCL Premier
  • FemiGen  – From PRL: Fem Balance-FX or Radiant Woman
  • Golden Turmeric  – From PRL: Fermented Turmeric or Turmeric Premier
  • Green Omegas (formerly OmegaGize3) – From PRL: EPA/DHA Marine Soft Gels (vegan use DHA Premier and EFA Liquid)
  • ICP – From PRL: Psyllium Fiber Premier 
  • ICP Daily (Daily Prebiotic Fiber) – From PRL: Probiotic Caps (prebiotics with probiotics)
  • IlluminEyes – From PRL: OcuVen
  • ImmuPro – From PRL: Reishi Immune, Tranquinol, and/or Melatonin-ND and Zinc
  • Inner Beauty Collagen™ – From PRL: Marine Collagen
  • Inner Defense – From PRL: Paratosin and Oregano Oil Premier
  • JuvaPower – From PRL: HepatoVen and Liver-ND
  • JuvaTone – From PRL: HepatoVen and Liver-ND
  • K & B  – From PRL: RenaVen and UriVen
  • Life 9  – Probiotic Caps or Microbiome 18
  • Master Formula  – From PRL: Multi Vitamin Premier
  • MegaCal – From PRL: Calcium Magnesium Plus
  • MightyPro – From PRL: Microbiome 18 or Probiotic Caps
  • MindWise – From PRL: CoQ10 and Turmeric
  • Mineral Essence – From PRL: pH Minerals
  • MultiGreens – From PRL: Greens Caps or Organic Greens Powder
  • NingXia Greens™ – From PRL: Organic Greens Powder or Greens Caps
  • NingXia Red® – Elderberry Syrup or Kyani Sunrise
  • Olive Essentials – From PRL: Olive Leaf Immune
  • OmegaGize3 (now Green Omegas) – From PRL: EPA/DHA Marine Soft Gels (vegan use DHA Premier and EFA Liquid)
  • ParaFree – From PRL: ParaStat and Paratosin
  • PD 80/20 – From PRL: Pregnenolone and DHEA
  • PowerGize – From PRL: Men’s Performance Edge
  • Progessence Plus – From PRL: Pregnenolone and DHEA
  • Prostate Health – From PRL: Men’s Performance Edge or ProstaVen
  • Pure Protein Complete: From PRL: Plant Protein
  • SleepEssence – From PRL: Tranquinol or Melatonin-ND
  • Slique Line – From PRL: Lean Advantage
  • Sulfurzyme  Capsules – No MSM from PRL, you can use Doctor’s Best MSM on Amazon
  • Sulfurzyme  Powder – No MSM from PRL, you can use Doctor’s Best MSM on Amazon
  • Super B  – From PRL: Complete B
  • Super Cal  Plus – From PRL: Calcium Magnesium Plus
  • Super C  Chews – From PRL: Plant Vitamin C
  • Super C  Tablets – From PRL: Plant Vitamin C
  • Super Vitamin D – From PRL: D3+K2
  • Thyromin – From PRL: ThyroVen or XenoStat